Incoloy 800 Material And Performance(incoloy 800)

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Incoloy 800(incoloy 800 mechanical properties)
Incoloy 800 alloys typically have a Cr content of 15-25%, nickel content of 30-45%, and contain small amounts of aluminum and titanium. Incoloy 800 alloys are in the austenite mono-zone after rapid cooling from high temperature, and therefore, the use state is a single austenite structure.

inconel 600 incoloy 800

The alloy has a high chromium content and sufficient nickel content. In chloride, low concentration NaOH aqueous solution and high temperature and high pressure water, it has excellent stress corrosion cracking resistance.
Application fields: chemical industry, nuclear generator, nitric acid cooler, acetic anhydride cracking tube, heat exchange equipment, heat exchange tube, etc.