Zirconium 702 Rods

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Zirconium 702 Rods

Zirconium 702 rods is a zirconium alloy primarily composed of zirconium with small amounts of niobium and iron. This alloy exhibits excellent corrosion resistance and high-temperature performance, making it widely used in industries such as industrial, chemical, and medical devices. Zr702 is commonly employed in fuel rods due to its low neutron absorption cross-section and good mechanical properties.

Zr702 alloy features outstanding mechanical properties, including:

  • High strength: Zr702 alloy boasts high yield strength and tensile strength, enabling it to withstand high loads and extreme environments.
  •  Good ductility: The alloy demonstrates good ductility, allowing for plastic deformation under stress without fracturing.
  •  Excellent toughness: Zr702 alloy maintains good toughness even in high-temperature and radiation environments.
  •  Good fatigue resistance: This alloy exhibits good resistance to cyclic loading and stress variations, maintaining stable performance over time.Overall, the mechanical properties of Zr702 alloy make it an ideal choice for many applications, especially those requiring high strength, corrosion resistance, and high-temperature performance.

Applications of Zr702 Zirconium Rod

Zr702 zirconium rods find extensive use in the nuclear industry due to their excellent corrosion resistance, high-temperature resistance, and mechanical properties. The exceptional performance characteristics of Zr702 alloy make it particularly suitable for such demanding applications. Besides the nuclear industry, Zr702 alloy is also utilized in chemical, medical device, and other fields where components requiring corrosion resistance and high-temperature environments are manufactured.