Incoloy 825 Bars

Material:Incoloy 825

Product Details


(1)INCOLOY 825 is a nickel-iron-chromium alloy with the main alloying elements Mo, Cu, and Ti. The composition of this alloy is given in Table 1. This alloy is designed to have excellent corrosion resistance in many corrosive environments. When the content of Ni is high enough, it can resist stress corrosion cracking. Together with Mo and Cu, Ni gives the alloy excellent corrosion resistance, especially to sulfuric and phosphoric acid environments.

(2)The addition of Mo element has good protective effect on metal pitting and crevices. The chromium content in the alloy has good corrosion resistance to various oxidizing substances, such as nitric acid, nitrate and oxide salt. The Ti in the alloy, after heat treatment, can stabilize the alloy and reduce the intergranular corrosion sensitivity.

(3)INCOLOY 825 is widely used because of its excellent resistance to both uniform and localized corrosion. Applications include chemical processes, pollution control, oil and gas drilling, acid production, pickling operations, and nuclear fuel disposal.


Nickel Titanium Bar
NIckel titanium bar