Inconel 718 Forged Ring

UNS N07718
Ease of processing
High tensile strength, fatigue strength
creep strength and fracture strength at 700°C
High oxidation resistance at 1000°C
Stable chemical properties at low temperatures
good welding performance

Product Details

Inconel 718 is a commonly used nickel-based superalloy, also known as nickel-iron-based superalloy. It is composed of elements such as nickel, chromium, iron, molybdenum, aluminum and titanium, and has extremely high strength and heat resistance. Inconel 718 is usually used in applications under high temperature and high pressure environment, such as aerospace, petrochemical and nuclear energy and other fields.

  • Ease of processing
  • High tensile strength, fatigue strength, creep strength and fracture strength at 700°C
  • High oxidation resistance at 1000°C
  • Stable chemical properties at low temperatures
  • good welding performance

Inconel 718 Chemical Elements

Alloy % Ni Fe Cr Mo C Mn Si P S
UNS N07718 Min 50 other 17 2.8 / / / / /
Max 55 other 21 3.3 0.08 0.35 0.35 0.015 0.015
Co Nb+Ta Ti Al Cu B
/ 4.75 0.65 0.2 / /
1 5.5 1.15 0.8 0.3 0.006

Features of the Inconel 718 UNS N07718

The strength and heat resistance of Inconel 718 come from its constituent elements and its special heat treatment process. Elements such as chromium, molybdenum, and titanium improve the alloy’s corrosion and oxidation resistance, while increasing hardness and strength. Aluminum element can improve the heat resistance of the alloy. At high temperatures, these elements form a protective oxide layer that prevents the alloy from being oxidized or corroded.

Inconel 718 Forging

Inconel 718 Forged Ring
Inconel 718 Forged Ring