Iridium Titanium Coated Cathode Anode Mesh

Name: Iridium Titanium Coated Cathode Anode Mesh

Metal: Gr.1 /Gr.2


Ti Content (%):99.6%

Coating content:0.5μm~5.0μm

Product Details

Titanium anode is a kind of electro-catalysis electrode in electro-chemistry, which is composed by substrate that is pure titanium and coated that is precious metal oxide.

Three Procedures:

1. Substrate treatment: it needs to be treated by roughing, cleaning and removing oil, which can increase the compactness of catalytic.
2. Brushing

After substrate treatment, it will be proceeded brush coated. The main coated content is platinum group metal, which is a kind of mixed solution.

Then, heat treatment will be going on after drying.

The whole procedure need to be repeated many times. This method is better to form thin oxide catalytic that is lamellar adhere to substrate surface.

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