High Purity Molybdenum Sputtering Target

Name:High Purity Molybdenum Sputtering Target
Surface: polished

Product Details

Molybdenum Sputtering Target

Molybdenum sputtering targets are widely used in thin-film deposition techniques, where the molybdenum target is bombarded by ions to sputter and deposit a thin film onto a substrate. This thin film can exhibit molybdenum’s characteristics such as high melting point, high strength, and corrosion resistance. It finds applications in enhancing surface properties of materials, as well as in electronic devices, solar cells, coating protection, and other fields.

Molybdenum Supttering Target Processing

The fabrication of molybdenum sputtering targets often requires high-purity molybdenum materials to ensure the quality and performance of the deposited films. These targets can be manufactured in various shapes and sizes, such as discs, rectangles, rings, etc., depending on specific application requirements.

In summary, a molybdenum sputtering target is a molybdenum material used in the process of physical vapor deposition, where it is sputtered onto a substrate to form a thin film. It has a wide range of applications and demands high purity.

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