99.95% High Purity Tantalum particle price


Chemical Composition:99.95%Min


Surface:Bright Surface

Melting Point:2980℃


Product Details

Tantalum particle

Tantalum is very hard, with a hardness of 6-6.5. Its melting point is 2996℃, third only to tungsten and rhenium. Tantalum is malleable and can be drawn into thin filaments. Its coefficient of thermal expansion is very small, expanding by only 6.6 percent for each degree Celsius increase. In addition, it is very tough, better than copper.


Application of tantalum particles

Tantalum particles A hard blue-gray glossy transition metal with high corrosion resistance. It is part of the refractory metal group and is widely used as a secondary component in alloys. Tantalum’s chemical inertness makes it a valuable substance for use in laboratory equipment and as an alternative to platinum. Its main use is for tantalum capacitors in electronic devices such as mobile phones, DVD players, video game systems and computers.