Tantalum Ring Price

Tantalum Ring

Grade: RO5200, RO5400

Purity: ≥99.95%, 99.99%

Melting point: 2996℃

Product Details

Tantalum (Ta) is a chemical element

Here are the typical chemical compositions of tantalum materials:

Pure Tantalum: Pure tantalum material consists primarily of the tantalum element, with a purity typically required to be above 99.9%.

Tantalum Alloys: Tantalum is often alloyed with other elements to improve its properties. Common tantalum alloys include Tantalum-10% Tungsten, Tantalum-2.5% Tungsten, Tantalum-40% Niobium, among others. The composition of these alloys varies depending on the specific elements present.

Tantalum materials exhibit excellent corrosion resistance, high melting point, high strength, and exceptional thermal conductivity. As a result, they are widely used in high-temperature environments, chemical corrosion applications, and electronics. The specific composition of tantalum materials may vary depending on the application requirements and the chosen material type.

 Forging process

1. Material Preparation: Select suitable metal material for forging and perform pre-processing steps such as heating to the appropriate temperature.

2. Pre-forging: Place the heated metal material between forging dies or molds and apply pressure to achieve initial shaping, also known as rough forging.

3. Main Forging: Place the pre-forged material back into the forging dies and apply higher pressure and force to further shape it and alter its internal structure. This step is typically carried out using large forging equipment such as forging presses or hammers.

4. Length Control: Depending on the requirements, length adjustments may be made through cutting, trimming, or shearing using forging tools.

5. Heat Treatment: Forged parts may undergo heat treatment to improve their mechanical properties and material structure. Common heat treatment methods include annealing, quenching, and tempering.

6. Trimming and Surface Treatment: Finally, the forged component may undergo trimming, cleaning, and surface treatments to remove irregularities from the forging process and provide the desired dimensions and appearance.

Forging processes are used to produce a wide range of metal parts and components. The advantages of forging include increased material strength, improved material properties, and enhanced material density. The specific forging process may vary depending on the material used, component design, and application requirements.