Titanium Forged Ring

Product name: Titanium Forged Ring


Grade:Gr1 Gr2 Gr5 Gr9 Gr12

Sstandard:ASTM B 381


Product Details

Titanium Forged Ring

Titanium has been widely used in the manufacture of large civil aircraft. Some key parts of landing gear and wheels are forged with titanium alloy, and a small number of parts are forged with aluminum alloy. In the C919 large aircraft, the net mass of titanium alloy parts accounts for about 10% of the total net mass of the aircraft, and the largest amount of titanium is used in civil aircraft made in China. Which parts are made of titanium (see Figure 1): machine The head uses Ti-6Al-4VEVI forgings; the suspension uses Ti-6Al-4V alloy forgings, plates and titanium alloy 55531 forgings; the tail uses Ti-6Al-4V alloy forgings; the outer wings use Ti -6Al-4V alloy forgings and plates; Ti-6Al-4V ELl alloy forgings are used for the central wing; Ti-6Al-4V alloy forgings are used for the landing gear system.

chemical composition
